Remember my previous entry, I went to the Roda Impian audition? So finally, I received a call from them on the 6th. ya, TAHNIAH!!! Anda terpilih. Actually the 3 of us, me, Nazir and Yaya dapat masuk the Roda Impian. So the shooting would be at Filem Negara Malaysia Nazir on 15th, Yaya 18th and me 19th.
I was thinking not to inform my colleagues regards this, bukan apa, kalau kalah bikin malu jak. But since I have to bring 5 supporters on that day, so khabar angin telah merebak seperti bau kentut. Hmmm...habis lah aku kalau ndak menang. My staffs macam macam sudah mintak portion masing masing. Hmmm....I still remember when i recieved the call, I was inside the car with the my mum and sisters. When I shout, biasalah, diorang cakap aku ni orang gila. But then when I sd I will join Roda Impian, mummy sudah excited. Apa tidaknya, kalau aku menang set pinggan mangkuk or periuk belanga, itu tetap dia punya portion.
And...once I informed my dad, dia sudah mintak kereta ya,,,,...macam mana ni? 1 round pun belum tentu lagi menang atau tidak. Sometimes benda tu bukan pandai atau tidak masalahnya mau tengok nasib jugak. Mummy aku sudah siap suruh minum air zam zam..adoi macam mau pergi bertempur kan. well whatever it is, wish me luck!!!
goodluck. tiba2 mau mintak portion. hahaha.. apa2 pun goodluck!! xsabar mau tgk kau d tv.
ReplyDeletegood luck! aku mau duit!
ReplyDeleteWowww.....Congrats!! LOL...kereta??Mak oiiii.....Bila bersiaran kat Astro??? Nak tengok lah...lepas tu tangkap gambar and di blogkan...kikikiki...jgn mare.... (eh..tapi betul ni nak tahu bila bersiaran? ;-)
ReplyDeleteforgot to inform. My dad gave some tips "dik, jgn lupak pilih huruf H untuk Hajjah Fatima" hahaha btw, just to update you all that nazir managed to solve 2 puzzles and bring back RM600++ and it will be shown somewhere in April..so my part still not sure.anyway tx for the wishes
ReplyDeletei'll be there as per promised earlier. aku suda mintak leave ya on the 19th ;)
ReplyDeletetapi aku harap aku ndak payah bwk2 sepanduk ka, poster ka ;p aku mau dtg & jadi gorgeous sidekick sajer, boleh? kekeke :D
buat yang terbaik ya nak. start malam ni aku doakan ko.