So excited to see my papito and his bro on 5th February 09. They will come down to KL just to celebrate my papito's 62nd birthday...yo yo o jak bapak aku tu, setiap tahun mau celebrate birthday di KL and makan lamb. Lately, I've been doing personal calls from my office, just to get my papito feel excited also about his trip....macam macam lah soalannya...
"adik, kita celebrate birthday bapak di mana?"
"nanti jak lah kita discuss di KL"
"eh, birthday bapak dekat sudah ni...jadi ke mana kita"
"hmmm..ya lah, nanti balik I will discuss with amoi and kak itok...warung2 ka, kedai mamak ka"
"eh! tolong sikit, aku bukan orang warung..awang sudah janji mau pergi Genting"
amboi!!!!! melampau......demand!!!! watever it is....I always pesan my papito, "make sure you take care of your health...if darah tinggi, then cannot eat we have to celebrate your birthday, eating tau fu fa...huhu"
me and my dad memang begitu....ada jak yang ndak puas the other day...when I told him I've renewed my passport, straight away he said
"Dik, mimi suruh bapak renew passport ni. Kita mau pigi mana ya?" dgn nada excited
"adalah...." aku balas dengan keadaan malas
"ya...aku tau...pigi mana?" my dad still feeling excited
"ISRAEL" simply said
"oh....Gaza....ko mau hantar aku pigi Gaza...." my dad still feel excited
"HAHAHAHHAHHAHAH" both of us laughing like sifu & tonga
Anyway, after my CNY operation on 27th, me and Alimi went to KLCC to watch Inkheart...ok jugak lah ceritanya...adventure campur touching-touching sikit pasal anak dia terpisah dengan mama after finished, kami pun membuang masa berjalan2 di KLCC...wah hari tu memang ramai International Students....(faham-faham jak lah ya) kalau jalan jarak jauh pun ambi pur dorang memang lasting....oh terlupa..berjalan-jalan til ternampak Famous teringat lah pulak my papito ni hantu bittersweet aku pun merangkut lah beberapa bar choc and ask the fella to wrap it nicely..itu pun mau charge.....tapi, aku HANGIN jugak lah (dengan nada pondan ni)....ini kejadiannya:

worth it or not????? Alimi tergelak....then he said "Elsa, why not u just bawak balik and balut sendiri kat rumah? lagi lawa" Yup....I totally agree and let see the outcome:

tengiang ngiang aku suara bapak mu dgn nada excited nya....
ReplyDeleteuiii cantiknya nak... sebiji cara wrapping ala-ala kotak Gucci.