
Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Know Your Secret

As I entered her room....hmmmm???? (blur blur blur) what is that????

ada notice 24 hrs ka? mari zoom sikit

APA NII!!!!!????? bertambah bingung

PROTOCOL FOR PRINCESS FARIDA?????? Become beautiful and pretty? Become youthful and wonderful???? wow it does rhyme though

hahahha now i know. Itu rahsia kecantikan lah tu....dia punya tukang uli muka yg bagi...wah, kalau macam ni, semua org can become pretty loh.....dont know how long does it last...jangan hangat hangat tahi ayam sudah....

anyway, kak itok just celebrated her 40th birthday on 20th March 2010. No wonder lah sekarang ni bertungkus lumus untuk mencantikkan wajah. (hmmmm adakah aku juga akan dilanda sindrom ini?????) so I bought her set mandian dan sentalan daripada Body Shop sebagai salah satu langkah untuk menyokong protokol tuan puteri Farida ini kah kah kah

instead of birthday cake, we had this frutti yogurt ice cream to celebrate

Happy birthday kak itok


  1. wah best jugak protocol dia tu...hehehehhe... habis pecah rahsia...hehehehe

    and the yougurt ice cream... sedap gila tu.... sedap kah? ;-p

  2. cath to eskrim mmg sadap...sadap sampai mau jadi GILA hahah
