Kalau kamu orang mau tau, company aku especially me department sukak betul berjoli parti parti...apa tidak setiap bulan ada jak activity yang mau diorganised...mau tau annual dinner kami pun ada 3 kali setahun..huh..
so untuk bulan ni, because mau countdown to christmas, kami buat exchange gift macam tahun lepas tapi kami ubah sedikit lah...so dia macam ni:
Officially this activity will be launched on Monday 10th November 2008 at 9.00am and the Grand Finale will be Held on 12th December 2008 at 6.00pm.
This activity will be running by weekly basis.
This activity will be running by weekly basis.
1st week (14th Nov) : Encouragement Week : "To Motivated each other"
2nd week (21st Nov) : Candy Week : “ To remind sweet moments of life”
3rd week (28th Nov) : Glittering Week : "To brighten up a person’s life"
4th week (5th Dec) : Smiling Week : “To Cheer up”
**Grand Finale on 12th Dec-Gift Exchange**
The objective of this activity to create an utmost closeness between all the CMG-CC STAFFS to form a relationship that will lead all build team work as a group.
So everybody sudah cabut nama buddy diorg sendiri...so far this activity ada sambutan lah especially in my Current Unit. Tapi sekarang ni, apa yang membuat aku tidak puas hati!!!!!! adalah.....kenapa aku masih tidak dapat apa2 di atas meja aku????? balik-balik jugak aku pigi berjalan-jalan supaya my secret admire tu boleh leave something on my table...tapi HAMPAH JADDAH sudah aku di sini ni....mau tunggu aku sampai menopause kah????
Aku pun terasa sedar diri buat sementara waktu, oh sedangkan aku sendiri pun belum bagi buddy aku barang lagi. kebetulan hari ni birthday dia. Buddy aku ni lelaki India from Delinquent Unit so aku pun curi masa lunch time pigi Mydin untuk beli kad birthday yang berharga RM3.30 ndak payah lah mau berabis untuk event ni cos aku pun ndak tau end the end nanti aku dapat apa kan....
so after lunch aku berharap sangat lah ada something in my table, tp apa yang aku tinggal kan sebelum dan selepas lunch sama jak....AKU MARAH NI!!!!
wah...aku sungguh unlucky, dulu masa di citibank kami buat event ni daily basis for 1 week, tapi last day jak aku dapat voucher Jusco bernilai RM20...huhuh...aku rasa mesti secret admire aku tu no idea mau bagi aku apa kan...tapi aku sudah buat announcement, aku mau Starbucks dan on Grand Finale kasut size 7..... ok kah????
Hallo buddy....calling my buddy......wake up....go and get something for me lah aiyo.......(but in my heart, aku rasa my buddy mesti lelaki India at delinquent site..hmmm...aku ndak sukak!!!)
**Grand Finale on 12th Dec-Gift Exchange**
ReplyDeletetu besday aku...
jgn lupak tau!!!!